The Impact of Black Friday & Cyber Monday on Google
Search growth and sales increase
According to a study from Google Spain, the searches of the terms “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” have significantly increased in the last 3 years. In 2014, the growth, compared to the previous year, was 232% and in 2015 it was 127%.
Although the growth was visible during the lasts three months of 2015, it is on the previous Thursday and on Friday where the 16% of the annual searches concentrated. In spite of this peak, the increase was relevant during the whole week, from the previous Saturday until the Tuesday after Cyber Monday.
The increase of searches meant, in 2015, an increase of 10.6% on the sales volume compared to 2014, reaching €1.172 million sales in Spain.
Impact for categories
The intensification of the searches during the 2015 Black Friday week affected the main categories. From a 2%-3% of increase in clothing and footwear items up to 8% in electronics, 7% in home or 5% in sport.
The growth of searches by categories, compared to 2014, was of around 25%. Every category had its star products. “Sports articles”, “training material & accessories” and “personal training” monopolized 75% of the researches in the sports category. In the home category, “home furniture”, “decoration and interiors” and “electrical appliances” represented 60% of the searches and, in electronics, 60% of the searches were for the terms related to “home & audio”, “personal computers” and “electronic accessories”.
Use of the mobile
The increasing trend of the use of the mobile for searching and purchasing products has also been reflected in the statistics presented by Google. During the Black Friday of 2015, the searches done from mobile devices reached 45% in clothing and footwear related products, more than 35% in the case of accessories, sports and home and 28% in the search for electronics products.