In this article, we discover the importance of knowing through what medium customers find you when they call your company and where to get this information. In short, we will be speaking about call tracking.
Every day, your business probably receives a large number calls from people with different objectives: they can be requesting information, they are looking for answers to questions, or they would like to contract your services or buy your products. As a company that invests in online marketing, you are aware that your business occupies a prominent place in several digital channels like sector websites, directories, Google ads, social networks … However, do you know what particular medium was used to get your phone number by the person on the other side of the line? And what is really important, can this information be useful?
Why Should You Know How Your Customers Find You?
Most companies that offer their products or services over the phone don’t know where the caller got the number. But finding out this information gives you a powerful tool that will allow you to make sound decisions. It helps you understand which (online) marketing channels of your business are contributing value and which ones are making you losing money and are better to change. It allows you to discover which channels have a higher Return on Investment (ROI), a better conversion ratio or a lower Click per Advertising (CPA). Interesting, right? This way you will know if your Adwords campaigns are working well, if the SEO activities are giving results and if the branding of your company is strong. In short, you will know what online channels generate calls.
Where Can You Get the Call Tracking Information?
Now that you have seen that knowing which channels your clients use to find you is valuable information, the question is how you can get it. You probably already know that adding a questionnaire in the contact form is not enough: clients don´t respond, they don´t have time or they just don´t remember where they found the information. That’s where call tracking applications come in. This type of software allows you to know where the contacts come from, with real-time updates. When using these applications, at the end of the month you can have a detailed call report with all the important information to make a good follow-up. Are you interested in knowing what Adwords keyword has generated a call that has become a sale? Do you want a graphic of the evolution of the contacts of the last month? Do you want to know at one glance which has been the most valuable calls? Or even have a statistics of leads per channel? Now, all this and more you can find out with a call tracking tool. If you invest in digital media and do not know what results are being delivered, you are spending money that does not work. And what’s more, you could be investing this money in another channel that can get more sales. Now you know what you have to do. As they say: information is power.
Are you interested in finding out more about call tracking, Adwords campaigns, onsite and offsite SEO? Don´t hesitate to contact us!