If you ended up here, it’s probably because you have been missing the google shortener you’ve used so far. The shortener for Google will disappear in the coming days and we started looking for alternatives.
Google shortener is the tool that professionals in the digital sector like to use to shorten URLs. It is used by community managers, SEO specialists or people who are just familiar with the digital world. Because we now have to do without this tool, we decided to look for the 5 most recommended alternatives for the Google shortener.
3 alternatives to google shortener.
After we have tested different platforms that offer comparable services, we select 2:
Bitly as a replacement for Google Shortener
One of the tools that the google shortener can replace is the bit platform bitly.
Like any URL shortener, it is very easy to use: just copy the link that you want to shorten and paste it into the window. You will immediately receive a short link automatically. If you then click on copy, it will be copied to the clipboard.
Its speed and simplicity make it one of our preferred alternatives for the Google shortner. In addition, Google itself recommended Bitly.
Owly as an alternative to Google Shortener
Another tool that we recommend is ow.ly. Together with Bitly it is one of the platforms that works very easy. Ow.ly belongs to the Hootsuite group, a fact that gives us confidence and security. Its use is simple, but you must register on the platform to use it. Although registration is easy and secure, we opt for the speed of Bitly.
Other alternatives for the google shortener
In addition to the first 2 alternatives, there are many more platforms that offer a URL shortener: SmartURL, TinyURL, T2mio, Rebrandly … Nevertheless, after we tested all of them, we still stick with the two mentioned tools. The rest of the platforms seem slower, less reliable or less secure. It is likely that when the Google Shortener is no longer usable, other platforms will appear. We will keep you informed!
What is Firebase Dynamic Links?
Firabase Dynamic Links is the alternative that Google offers for the current Google Shortener. It is a platform that enables the creation of dynamic links.
How do dynamic links work?
Dynamic links are nothing more than smart URLs that are able to send a new user or an existing user to any location on your app / web. The advantage is that a new user has direct access to the content they were looking for, even if this content is in on an app. In this way, the content is directly accessible and previous installation of the app is not needed.
With dynamic links, the user who surfs on your website can easily jump to the content of your app and return to the website without any interruption.
We hope that all this information has helped you discover the alternatives for Google Shortener. Continue to shorten the links on your website and share on social media!
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